You have the right to return the products you have purchased within 7 days. After your return request is approved, the products must be delivered to us within 10 days, complete with the invoice, original box, packaging, and all standard accessories.

Shipping / shipping costs are borne by the customer when returning.

The product to be returned must be returned in its original package / box, with the product label not removed or the packaging / box not damaged or destroyed. Product must be returned as received delivery.

After you send the product back to us, it will be reviewed by us.
If it is determined that the error/defect or deterioration is caused by the user during the examination, the price of the product will be returned to your credit card within 10 working days, which is the legal period.
No cash refunds.
In order for the product to be returned, it must be sent with an invoice. Returns of products that have lost their resaleability feature and cannot be sold to another customer are not accepted and the price is not refunded.

From the moment your product reaches our warehouse, inspection and quality controls will be completed within 1 week at the latest. You can track your return and exchange transactions from the "Order Details" section of the "My Orders" section by logging in as a member.


CARGO COMPANY: Yurtiçi Cargo Finance Center

ADDRESS : Barbaros Mah. Mor Sümbül Sokağı No: 1H, 34746 Ataşehir Istanbul, Turkey